Culture & Education

  • Working Groups
  • Events
B-Side Kultur e.V.:

In the house and in the neighborhood

B-Side Kultur e.V. is the non-profit cultural association within B-Side. The association was founded in 2016 and organizes and participates in art exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, theater performances, readings and other cultural events.

B-Side Kultur e.V. pursues the goal of creating a diverse cultural and educational offering and providing artists with a platform to present their works to a broad audience. The association works closely with local artists, cultural workers and other cultural institutions.

Ein Bildausschnitt der Dachkonstruktion des Hill-Speichers

In addition to its own events, B-Side Kultur e.V. also supports other cultural projects and initiatives in Münster. The association aims to promote cultural diversity and creative exchange in the city and enrich cultural life.

Ourunderstanding of participation:

From many for many

Bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung seines Kultur- und Bildungsprogramms setzt der Kulturverein auf Partizipation. Kultur von Allen für Alle lautet die Devise! So wird z.B. das B-Side Festival jedes Jahr aufs Neue im Rahmen eines breit angelegten Beteiligungsprozesses aus der Taufe gehoben.

Das Engagement im Verein ist dabei grundsätzlich ehrenamtlich. Jährlich engagieren sich neben den aktuell ca. 70 aktiven Mitgliedern auch eben so viele Nicht-Mitglieder freiwillig ehrenamtlich für die Vereinsaktivitäten. Die Aktiven organisieren sich dabei in soziokratischen Arbeitskreisen, die du weiter unten aufgeführt findest.

In the development and implementation of its cultural and educational program, the cultural association relies on participation. Culture by many for many is the motto! For example, the B-Side Festival is launched every year as part of a broad-based participation process.

The commitment in the association is basically voluntary. Every year, in addition to the current 70 active members, just as many non-members volunteer for the association's activities. The active members organize themselves in sociocratic working groups, which you can find below.

The working groups of B-Side Kultur e.V.

The role of the working groups

Anything that does not legally fall within the remit of the general meeting is the responsibility of the working groups. The general meeting decides on the general direction and strategy of the association. The working groups direct concrete projects and the day-to-day activities of the association. They meet regularly for plenary sessions. The plenums are open in order to involve as many people as possible in decision-making processes at the lowest possible level.

Cultural Plenum

All current association activities are coordinated in the monthly cultural plenum. It serves the working groups as a place for exchange, coordination and mutual support. The culture plenum takes place every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 18:00 (at Hawerkamp 29, large plenum room on the 2nd floor). If you want to get to know the different working groups (AKs) of the Kulturverein, it is a good first contact point. Also, if you have your own project ideas for which you are looking for contributors.

Come and join us!

The role in the house

The B-Side at the harbor is scheduled to finally be ready for occupancy during 2024. After completion, B-Side GmbH will manage the socio-cultural neighborhood center. B-Side Kultur e.V. will fill a large part of the public areas of the building with non-profit cultural and educational programs. It will occupy event space and exhibition areas, workshop rooms and the Open Workshop. The cultural association is not legally affiliated with B-Side GmbH, but has been a future main user of the building since its founding. The association members have already developed an operating concept for the non-profit use of the event and meeting spaces in years of project work.

Join, Finance & Participate:


The B-Side Kultur e.V. is looking forward to active support. Please feel free to come to the Kultur-Plenum to get involved within its structures! If you don't have enough time to volunteer, you can also support the association's activities with a sustaining membership or donations.

For more information, please go ahead and contact us!